The “Golden Age" of Coaching!

By now I know the only thing that never changes is that over time everything changes! We can view that as a good thing or a bad thing depending on the topic at hand. Today I want to share a change regarding my coaching practice. After months of serious thought and consideration and with input from family, friends and other professional coaches, I am shifting the focus of my practice to retirement and our “golden years!”
Going forward I will provide coaching services to people over the age of 50 to assist you in making your way toward a retirement lifestyle that fits your personal needs, values, and situation. Whether you are just beginning to think about what later life will look like or you are already living it, I’m the coach for you.
So much changes in later life – our health, wealth, and relationships – along with the time we have available to devote to these three key domains of happiness. I’m here to help you feel your strength of purpose, find your courage, and move forward with confidence to make the plan you create a reality. You may want to develop healthier habits, start a new career, take up a long desired hobby, start dating for the first time in years, revitalize your connection with your spouse – who knows!?! Together we will take a holistic look at all areas of your life affecting your long term happiness or focus on just one. You choose!
Other than contributing to a retirement account on autopilot I never really gave actually reaching retirement age much thought. Turns out there was a heck of a lot to think about, plan for, deal with, and enjoy! Here are some of the major events in my own life since I turned 50:
Earned a master’s degree
Adopted two young teenage sons
Got divorced
Took on a big new job in a different field
Moved to another state
Became unemployed at age 61
Sold a house/bought a house
Landed a new job at age 62
Started dating online and found love again
Visited the Arctic Circle
Became a grandmother
Retired and started a new gig (coaching!)
Now that I’m over 50 the sun isn’t going down; the lights aren’t going out. Life feels even more promising and interesting than it was in my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. But there were certainly times when I would have welcomed some help and support as I moved through challenges – like being unemployed for a year in my early sixties, making the decision to retire, and putting myself out there to date again after years of being single!
I’ve enjoyed working with each and every one of my clients ranging in age from 20 to 86 since I began coaching. But I’ve come to realize that I have the most to offer to people who are 50 and older. That doesn’t mean I won't coach younger people who would like to work with me, but I am now shifting my focus to research and practices that are most beneficial to older generations. There are coaches in abundance for the Generation Z and Millennial generations who are accustomed to working with coaches, but there are far fewer coaches specializing in matters of importance for people over age 50. Coaching may be a new concept for members of Generation X, Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation, but they can also receive significant benefit from working with a coach. I have the life experience, professional training, and education that make me the ideal coach for people over 50.
I’ll be sharing more details in the future about the services I provide, but for now I’m excited to share my new mission/vision statement:
I work with individuals and couples over 50 to successfully navigate later life transitions and make the next chapter of their lives the best of all! Health, wealth, and relationships in our later years are very different from our first five decades. Retirement deserves special attention to ensure that we make the most of it.
Let’s work together to make sure your “golden years” are also your “emboldened years!”